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 PrEP &  Doctors

Prescribing PrEP for your patients 
is as easy as 1, 2, 3

Are you looking to start prescribing PrEP at your clinic? Great! Happy to have you on board!

PrEP has been listed as a general schedule s85 item on the PBS, and can be prescribed by both general practitioners and nurse practitioners.

However if you’re new to PrEP you might like to use the following tools to get started.

Add my clinic

Are you a doctor who prescribes PrEP?

If your clinic details are on Google, and up to date use your listing link and we'll do the rest. Google Maps > Clic your clinic > Share > copy paste the url 

Is your doctor prescribing you PrEP and don't see them on the map?

Pop in the details you have, and we'll get them added

Get in touch so we can expand our PrEP access map!

Add me!
Does your clinic bulk bill?

Thanks for submitting!

I need some
PrEP information
for my clinic

Sure! We can help with that. We are a non funded community organisation. If you have any capacity to donate to the printing of brochures and flyers wee would really appreciate it. But we know clinics run on a tight budget, so don't worry if not.

Order Resources

Do you need PrEP resources for your clinic, sexual health service, or community organisation? Let us know!

We are a small non funded community group, so if you have any capacity to pay for the printing of resources - every little bit helps, please let us know in the comments of your request.

What do you need?
Business Cards
Tri-Fold Pamphlets
DL sized rack cards

Thanks for submitting!

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